National Construction is proud of our ability to collaborate with architects throughout southern Wisconsin and across the nation. We consider preconstruction, design and architecture, and construction integrated tasks.
In the design-build process, the architect is a subcontractor for National Construction. We’ve found this option for building design and construction to be the most efficient use of owner funds.
In the team process, National Construction and the architect of your choice contract separately with you, and we work together to design and budget the project.
In the design-bid-build process, we always provide options for your consideration – even though we haven’t been involved in the design phase, we look for opportunities to add value and find economies.
When acting as a construction manager, owner’s representative or program manager, or as a subcontractor for a construction manager, we can recommend an architect or facilitate a bid process for one, and ensure the project is designed according to your needs and budget.
We also have the support of an in-house interior designer at our sister divisions.